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Private Sector Employers: Strengthen Your Benefits Package.

As an employer in the private sector, you may have already taken or be in the process of taking steps towards compliance with the Private Sector Pensions Act 2019 (“the Act”) which requires all employers to provide their employees with access to a workplace pension scheme.

At Line Group, in addition to being able to provide advice and guidance on navigating the complexities of the Act, we also administer a Group Personal Pension Scheme (“GPPS”) which employers and their employees can join, as well as administering a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (“QROPS”) which certain employees may be eligible to take advantage of. 

By offering these pension schemes, we provide more than just pension advice we offer a comprehensive solution to support your workforce's retirement planning needs. 

Approved locally by the Commissioner of Income Tax, with our licenced and regulated corporate trustee providing trusteeship, our GPPS is designed to allow employers to adhere to the scheme through a quick and straight forward process managed by our pensions team.

Additionally, our QROPS scheme is designed for individuals who have worked in the UK and are considering retiring abroad or who already live overseas. This scheme provides a tax-efficient way for members to manage and access their UK pension savings from abroad. 

By choosing our pension schemes, employers can offer a robust and attractive benefits package, demonstrating a commitment to their employees' long-term financial well-being. 

We are dedicated to supporting both employers and employees with our experienced team handling the administration and providing guidance where needed, ensuring a smooth and beneficial experience for all parties involved.

Contact one of the team to discuss how we can help.